It is important to promot Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) in STEM field education. We have participated in various programs to make contributions. We are developing new outreach programs at UT Austin.
1. MIT Educational Studies Program (Splash): Rapid Prototyping with Arduino and Mechatronics.
2. MIT: LEGO Atomic Force Microscope design for Prof. Ma at Boston College for outreach to Science Club for Girls in Cambridge, MA.
3. UM: Arduino toy train design for with Prof. Okwudire for primary school in Detroit, MI.
K-12 Research Events
Helping outstanding students to explore and identify their interest in the STEM field is another important task for cultivating future workforce. I have helped to mentor 2 high-school students for research and organized relevant conferences.
1. Organizing International Interdisciplinary Student Research Conference (2021-2022IISRC)